To pay your annual dues ($175) or to make a payment for our Rookie Class ($200) by check:
Tom Kienzle c/o EBUA
6 Field Place
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567
Find your banking institution here or visit
Use the phone number 914-490-4800
Membership Dues for 2025 are $175
Payment for our Rookie Class is $200
Membership Dues for 2025 are $175
A 3.5% charge applies to all credit/debit card transactions.
$175 + $6.12 (3.5% credit card transaction fee)
Pay In 4 Available Where Applicable
$200 (Class) + $175 (Dues) + $13.12 (3.5% credit card transaction fee)
Pay In 4 Available Where Applicable
Please provide any necessary information in the notes section and enter the correct payment amount.
Tom Kienzle c/o EBUA
6 Field Place
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567